ポケモン ババ抜き BABANUKIばばぬき ポケモンババ抜き ババ抜き15個新品未使用 未開封です。Experience the Fun of “Pokémon Old Maid” – Now with Adorable Illustrations!Exclusive to Pokémon Center! This charming card game features irresistibly cute, whimsical Pokémon illustrations that will bring smiles to everyone’s faces. Perfect for kids and adults alike, it’s the ultimate game for quality family and friend time! Simple Rules for Endless Fun!Just like classic Old Maid, the rules are easy to follow! Draw a card from the player next to you and read out the Pokémon’s cry written on it. Even if you pull the “Old Maid” card – Gengar – don’t be shy! Give it your best “Geeeengar!” You can purchase immediately. Please rest assured that we purchase from the official manufacturer.ーーーーーーー任天堂ニンテンドーbabanukiBABAポケモンカード カード トランプババポケポケtensionハイテンションBuyeedoorzoFROMJAPANJPGOODBUY Pikachu Pokemon Pokemoncard Pokemon BABANUKIJapanesePokemoncard doorzoシリーズ···ポケットモンスターカードゲームタイトル···ポケットモンスター